.. _crewmember: CrewMember =========== Represents a single crew member of a vessel. .. structure:: CrewMember .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 2 1 4 * - Suffix - Type - Description * - :attr:`NAME` - :struct:`String` - crew member's name * - :attr:`GENDER` - :struct:`String` - "Male" or "Female" * - :attr:`EXPERIENCE` - :struct:`Scalar` - experience level (number of stars) * - :attr:`TRAIT` - :struct:`String` - "Pilot", "Engineer" or "Scientist" * - :attr:`TOURIST` - :struct:`Boolean` - true if this crew member is a tourist * - :attr:`PART` - :struct:`Part` - part in which the crew member is located .. attribute:: CrewMember:NAME :type: :struct:`String` :access: Get only crew member's name .. attribute:: CrewMember:GENDER :type: :struct:`String` :access: Get only "Male" or "Female" .. attribute:: CrewMember:EXPERIENCE :type: :struct:`Scalar` :access: Get only experience level (number of stars) .. attribute:: CrewMember:TRAIT :type: :struct:`String` :access: Get only crew member's trait (specialization), for example "Pilot" .. attribute:: CrewMember:TOURIST :type: :struct:`Boolean` :access: Get only true if this crew member is a tourist .. attribute:: CrewMember:PART :type: :struct:`Part` :access: Get only :struct:`Part` this crew member is located in