These are the generic properties every PART has. You can obtain a list of values of type Part using the LIST PARTS command.
- structure Part¶
Members¶ Suffix
Name of this part
Title as it appears in KSP
Current mass of part and its resources
Mass of part if all resources were empty
Mass of part if all resources were full
Name-tag if assigned by the player
Call to control-from to this part
The stage this is associated with
Craft-Unique identifying number of this part
Universe-Unique identifying number of this part
The rotation of this part’s \(x\)-axis
The location of this part in the universe
the direction that this part is facing
Bounding-box information about this part’s shape
list of the
in this parttrue if this part can be selected as a target
the vessel that contains this part
Get one of the
by nameGet one of the
by indexNames (
) of allPartModules
Same as
True if the part has the named module in it, false if not.
Check if this part has a parent
The decoupler/separator that will decouple this part when activated. None if no such exists.
Alias name for
The stage number where this part will get decoupled. -1 if cannot be decoupled.
Alias name for
Does this part have mass or drag
List of attached
How many parts in this part’s symmetry set
Like the “Remove From Symmetry” button.
Return one of the other parts symmetrical to this one.
Search the branch from here down based on name.
Regex search the branch from here down based on name.
Search the branch from here down for parts titled this.
Regex Search the branch from here down for parts titled this.
Search the branch from here down for parts tagged this.
Regex Search the branch from here down for parts tagged this.
Search the branch from here down for parts named, titled, or tagged this.
Regex Search the branch from here down for parts named, titled, or tagged this.
)Search the branch from here down for modules named, titled, or tagged this.
Search the branch from here down for all parts with a non-blank tag name.
- Part:NAME¶
- Access
Get only
- Type
Name of part as it is used behind the scenes in the game’s API code.
A part’s name is the name it is given behind the scenes in KSP. It never appears in the normal GUI for the user to see, but it is used in places like Part.cfg files, the saved game persistence file, the ModuleManager mod, and so on.
- Part:TITLE¶
- Access
Get only
- Type
The title of the part as it appears on-screen in the gui.
A part’s title is the name it has inside the GUI interface on the screen that you see as the user.
- Part:TAG¶
- Access
Get / Set
- Type
The name tag value that may exist on this part if you have given the part a name via the name-tag system.
A part’s tag is whatever custom name you have given it using the name-tag system described here. This is probably the best naming convention to use because it lets you make up whatever name you like for the part and use it to pick the parts you want to deal with in your script.
WARNING: This suffix is only settable for parts attached to the CPU Vessel
- Access
Callable function only
- Return type
Call this function to cause the game to do the same thing as when you right-click a part on a vessel and select “control from here” on the menu. It rotates the control orientation so that fore/aft/left/right/up/down now match the orientation of this part. NOTE that this will not work for every type of part. It only works for those parts that KSP itself allows this for (control cores and docking ports). It accepts no arguments, and returns no value. All vessels must have at least one “control from” part on them somewhere, which is why there’s no mechanism for un-setting the “control from” setting other than to pick another part and set it to that part instead.
This suffix is only callable for parts attached to the CPU Vessel
- Part:CID¶
- Access
Get only
- Type
Part Craft ID. This is similar to
, except that this ID is only unique per craft design. In other words if you launch two copies of the same design without editing the design at all, then the same part in both copies of the design will have the samePart:CID
as each other. (This value is kept in the craft file and repeated in each instance of the vessel that you launch).
- Part:UID¶
- Access
Get only
- Type
Part Universal ID. All parts have a unique ID number. Part’s uid never changes because it is the same value as stored in persistent.sfs. Although you can compare parts by comparing their uid it is recommended to compare parts directly if possible.
- Access
Get only
- Type
The rotation of this part’s X-axis, which points out of its side and is probably not what you want. You probably want the
suffix instead.
- Access
Get only
- Type
The location of this part in the universe. It is expressed in the same frame of reference as all the other positions in kOS, and thus can be used to help do things like navigate toward the position of a docking port.
- Part:FACING¶
- Access
Get only
- Type
The direction that this part is facing, which is also the rotation that would transform a vector from a coordinate space where the axes were oriented to match the part, to one where they’re oriented to match the world’s ship-raw coordinates.
- Part:BOUNDS¶
- Access
Get only
- Type
Constructs a “bounding box” structure that can be used to give your script some idea of the extents of the part’s shape - how wide, long, and tall it is.
It can be slightly expensive in terms of CPU time to keep calling this suffix over and over, as kOS has to perform some work to build this structure. If you need to keep looking at a part’s bounds again and again in a loop, and you know that part’s shape isn’t going to be changing (i.e. you’re not going to extend a solar panel or something like that), then it’s better for you to call this
suffix just once at the top, storing the result in a variable that you use in the loop.More detailed information is found on the documentation page for
- Part:MASS¶
- Access
Get only
- Type
The current mass or the part and its resources. If the part has no physics this will always be 0.
- Access
Get only
- Type
The mass of the part if all of its resources were full. If the part has no physics this will always be 0.
- Access
Get only
- Type
The mass of the part if all of its resources were empty. If the part has no physics this will always be 0.
- Access
Get only
- Type
True if this part can be selected by KSP as a target.
This example assumes you have a target vessel picked, and that the target vessel is loaded into full-physics range and not “on rails”. vessels that are “on rails” do not have their full list of parts entirely populated at the moment:
LIST PARTS FROM TARGET IN tParts. PRINT "The target vessel has a". PRINT "partcount of " + tParts:LENGTH. SET totTargetable to 0. FOR part in tParts { IF part:TARGETABLE { SET totTargetable TO totTargetable + 1. } } PRINT "...and " + totTargetable. PRINT " of them are targetable parts.".
- Part:GETMODULE(name)¶
- Parameters
name – (
) Name of the part module
- Returns
Get one of the
attached to this part, given the name of the module. (SeePart:MODULES
for a list of all the names available).
- Parameters
index – (
) Index number of the part module
- Returns
Get one of the
attached to this part, given the index number of the module. You can usePart:MODULES
for a list of names of all modules on the part. The indexes are not guaranteed to always be in the same order. It is recommended to iterate over the indexes with a loop and verify the module name:local moduleNames is part:modules. for idx in range(0, moduleNames:length) { if moduleNames[idx] = "test module" { local pm is part:getmodulebyindex(idx). DoSomething(pm). } }
- Access
Get only
- Type
of strings
list of the names of
enabled for this part.
Same as
- Part:HASMODULE(name)¶
Checks to see if this part contains the
with the name given. If it does, this returns true, else it returns false. (IfHASMODULE(name)
returns false, then this means an attempt to useGETMODULE(name)
would fail with an error.)
- Part:PARENT¶
- Access
Get only
- Type
When walking the tree of parts, this is the part that this part is attached to on the way “up” toward the root part.
- Access
Get only
- Type
When walking the tree of parts, this is true as long as there is a parent part to this part, and is false if this part has no parent (which can only happen on the root part).
The decoupler/separator that will decouple this part when activated. None if no such exists.
- Access
Get only
- Type
The stage number where this part will get decoupled. -1 if cannot be decoupled.
- Access
Get only
- Type
Alias name for
- Access
Get only
- Type
This comes from a part’s configuration and is an artifact of the KSP simulation.
For a list of stock parts that have this attribute and a fuller explanation see the KSP wiki page about massless parts.
When walking the tree of parts, this is all the parts that are attached as children of this part. It returns a list of zero length when this part is a “leaf” of the parts tree.
- Access
Get only
- Type
Returns how many parts are in the same symmetry set as this part.
Note that all parts should at least return a minimum value of 1, since even a part placed without symmetry is technically in a group of 1 part, itself.
- Access
Get only
- Type
Tells you the type of symmetry this part has by returning a number as follows:
0 = This part has radial symmetry
1 = This part has mirror symmetry
It’s unclear if this means anything when the part’s symmetry is 1x.
- Access
- Returns
Call this method to remove this part from its symmetry group, reverting it back to a symmetry group of 1x (just itself). This has the same effect as pressing the “Remove From Symmetry” button in the part’s action window.
Note that just like when you press the “Remove from Symmetry” button, once a part has been removed from symmetry you don’t have a way to put it back into the symmetry group again.
When a set of parts has been placed with symmetry in the Vehicle Assembly Building or Space Plane Hangar, this method can be used to find all the parts that are in the same symmetrical group.
The index is numbered from zero to :attr:
minus one.The zero-th symmetry partner is this part itself. Even parts placed without symmetry still are technically in a symmetry group of 1 part.
The index also wraps around in a cycle, such that if there are 4 parts in symmetry, then
would all actually be the same part.Example:
// Print the symmetry group a part is inside: function print_sym { parameter a_part. print a_part + " is in a " + a_part:SYMMETRYCOUNT + "x symmetry set.". if a_part:SYMMETRAYCOUNT = 1 { return. // no point in printing the list when its not in a group. } if a_part:SYMMETRYTYPE = 0 { print " The symmetry is radial.". } else if a_part:SYMMETRYTYPE = 1 { print " The symmetry is mirror.". } else { print " The symmetry is some other weird kind that". print " didn't exist back when this example was written.". } print " The Symmetry Group is: ". for i in range (0, a_part:SYMMETRYCOUNT) { print " [" + i + "] " + a_part:SYMMETRYPARTNER(i). } }
- Part:PARTSNAMED(name)¶
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
- Part:PARTSNAMEDPATTERN(namePattern)¶
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
- Part:PARTSTITLED(title)¶
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
- Part:PARTSTITLEDPATTERN(titlePattern)¶
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
- Part:PARTSTAGGED(tag)¶
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
- Part:PARTSDUBBED(name)¶
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
- Parameters
namePattern – (
) Pattern of the name, title or tag of the parts
- Returns
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
- Part:MODULESNAMED(name)¶
- Parameters
name – (
) Name of the part modules
- Returns
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.
Same as
except that this version doesn’t search the entire vessel tree and instead it only searches the branch of the vessel’s part tree from the current part down through its children and its children’s children and so on.